Whether you are a spiritual seeker or a long-time Lutheran, we welcome you to our worship service to receive grace and peace through our Lord Jesus Christ. If you are a first-time visitor, you might have a few questions:
Our church is at the corner of West Green and Eagle Streets, across from Win Schuler's restaurant, in Marshall. The address is: 135 West Green Street.
Zion's service begins at 9:30 a.m. with the ringing of the bell, the singing of the opening hymn, and the procession of the crucifix. The service lasts for approximately an hour and fifteen minutes. After church, please join us at Coffee Hour for light refreshments in the Fellowship Hall.
Members dress in everything from jeans and t-shirts to dresses and suits. How you look on the outside is not an issue at Zion.
You can park in the parking lot behind the church, where a ramp gives you handicapped access into the building. You can also park in the city lot directly to the east of the church.
We love children and want you to bring them to the service to worship right along with you. Please see our CHILDREN IN CHURCH page.
When you enter Zion, you will be greeted by members and given a worship bulletin that will help you follow the order of the service and the Old Testament, Epistle, and Gospel readings of the day. The liturgy we use every Sunday is found on page 15 of The Lutheran Hymnal, which you will find on the back of the pew in front of you. Most of our hymns also come from this hymnal, and their numbers are listed in the worship bulletin and on a hymn board at the front of the church. Hymns from the Lutheran Service Book are printed in the bulletin. We also provide a large-print worship bulletin, which includes every hymn used in the service. And please don't hesitate to ask the person next to you for help. Zion members are eager to help you participate in the service.
We celebrate the Lord's Supper every Sunday and for some special services during the Church Year. Communicants kneel at the altar to receive the elements, but those who have mobility problems are welcome to stand. After the host is given, the individual cup is offered and then the common cup is administered. Those who are not in fellowship with our congregation are welcome to the Lord's Table for a blessing from the pastor.
As we join together to partake of the Lord's Supper, which is Christ's true Body and Blood, we do so in faith and in fellowship with those who confess the same Lutheran doctrine as set forth in the Unaltered Augsburg Confession. For it is faith alone in Christ that makes us worthy of the Sacrament and the confession of that faith which unites us together as the body of Christ here at Zion. Out of concern for your spiritual wellbeing and the unity of the parish, we ask that you speak with the pastor if you desire to partake of the Lord's Supper and have not previously received it at our altar. You can talk to him by calling the church office (269-781-8982) or ask to speak with him before the service.