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Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to him, saying, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God."
- Luke 18:15,16
A special welcome to families with young children! We want you to feel at home here at Zion!
Here are answers to some of the questions you might have about bringing your children to church at Zion:
Can my children stay with me in church?
Yes, absolutely! Although some churches dismiss children to another location at a point during the service or hold children’s Sunday School and a worship service for adults simultaneously, at Zion our services are for all ages, and we want you to worship as a family. There’s no better way for your children to learn how to worship than to watch you and others participate in the service. They learn by
following your example. We do have Sunday School after church and coffee hour from September through April, and your children are welcome to attend.
How can I help my children participate in the service?
- To help your children participate more fully in the service, you may find it helpful to sit toward the front where your children can easily note the baptismal font, lectern, pulpit, and liturgical colors; watch the pastor; and see and hear what's going on at the altar. What Jesus gives in the service is as much for them as for anyone else.
- As we go through the service, explain what's happening and encourage them to join you on responses such as "Lord, have mercy," "And with thy spirit," and "Amen," as well as in reciting the Creed and the Lord's Prayer. If your children can read, help them learn how to follow along in the hymnal and worship folder.
- Be sure to sing, say, and pray your parts, too, as you stand and kneel and sit. If your children attend church on a regular basis, they will learn the Divine Service liturgy right along with you. They might even learn it faster than you do!
Can my children accompany me to the altar for the Lord’s Supper?
Yes, your children are welcome to accompany you to the altar to receive a blessing during the administration of the Lord's Supper.
What if my children make noise?
Don’t worry, and don’t be embarrassed! The sounds of children are a joyful noise to the Lord and not a problem at Zion. Sometimes a book or quiet toy will help your youngest children keep busy, but if you feel that you must leave with your child, that’s fine. Just hurry back because, like Jesus, we want your children in the service, not out of it. And if you need a little help, just ask. Lots of people at Zion will be happy to lend you a hand. Please know that while you are caring for your children, the rest of us will be rejoicing in Jesus' words, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God." (Luke 18:16) We believe that your children are a gift of God, and we will do our best to welcome, encourage, and help you as your family worships with us at Zion.